CMEA logo

The Center for Multicultural Equity & Access (CMEA) supports students of color at Georgetown University in a variety of ways.

What can we provide you with?

  • Someone to talk to about personal issues or concerns
  • Advice on courses, majors, careers or navigating the university administration
  • A chance to explore diversity issues
  • Friendly faces and a place to call home
  • An opportunity to help DC students prepare for college
  • A chance to welcome and/or host prospective Georgetown students
  • Affordable options for textbooks, printing, or summer housing

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We would like to share that the CMEA will be accepting submissions to the DRUM Newsletter through CampusGroups.

As a reminder, the DRUM is a weekly newsletter reserved for events, opportunities, job openings and professional development resources/opportunities. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to

The DRUM will be released every Monday (with the exceptions of holidays) at 5:00PM EDT. Submissions should be sent the Friday prior at 9:00AM EDT in order to make it onto Monday’s newsletter.

Any questions can be sent to .

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

If you’re interested in learning more about our programs, career/internship opportunities, events, or trainings/workshops being offered, please sign up to receive our weekly newsletter, the DRUM

Report a Bias-Related Incident

Any member of the university community can make a report about a possible bias related incident. Click here to file a report.


New South Garden Level OSEI Suite
37th & O St, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20057
Map & directions to our office


M – F: 9:00a – 5:00p
Closed on the weekends