Institute for College Preparation

For over two decades, the Institute for College Preparation (ICP) has provided intensive, comprehensive, pre-college academic enrichment to middle and high school students enrolled in targeted D.C. public schools. Students begin the program in the 7th grade as a cohort, and continue through their high school graduation. During the program, students are exposed to rigorous course work via a carefully developed curriculum offered to students in Saturday Academy classes and Summer Institute on Georgetown University’s campus. This academic enrichment curriculum is enhanced by: 

  • Academic tutoring and mentorship in coordination with the students’ schools
  • Summer enrichment programs via a study abroad and residential college experience
  • College exposure via tours and admissions sessions
  • Assistance with test preparation and the college application process
  • Facilitation of connections to other needed resources
  • And other academic and personal counseling for students and their families to inspire a college-going culture

Overview of 2022 capstone program

  • Los Angeles is a diverse city with an important history with issues of social justice and communities of color. A visit to this vibrant urban center will allow us to delve more deeply into themes of American Ideals/Identity; The American Dream; Social and Urban Justice and Sustainability. 
  • Themes of racial justice, immigration, and grassroots organizing for social change in urban contexts in both the U.S. and abroad. Summer Institute course work with prompt reflection on the relevance of inequity in the D.C. through  collective involvement in the issue areas that matter most to us and the marginalization of people of color and disadvantaged communities.
  • Deliverables: pre and post-reflection and will document our experiences in order to contribute to a discussion on urban justice and sustainability;  foster deeper relationships with each other, intentionally engaging with L.A.’s rich cultural history, and focusing on Universal Apostolic Preferences
  • In engaging with GU alumni in L.A. and K-16 Educators, students will expand their college and career pathways, and broaden their networks in pursuing change for the greater good.
  • Students will explore the issues of equity and justice;  learn how community partners are working for change beyond the D.C. area.

Program Objectives:

  1. Explore historical and current significance to the issues of urban injustice, racial relations, and immigration in the U.S & reflect on their own experiences with urban equity/inequity aTo define career opportunities available through a college education by promoting, supporting, and developing national educational opportunities for students.
  2. To explores issues of urban poverty and the many forms of social exclusion in Los Angeles.
  3. To introduce students to cultural heritage studies, notions of privileged nationalities, and an international world-view of racism and inequality.
  4.  To increase self-confidence, and self-efficacy, and reinforce personal and social responsibility among ICP student participants and the greater ICP community.
  5. To encourage ICP students to reflect on values that form their identities and to assume roles as responsible world citizens.

Overview of 2021 Institute for College Prep Summer Experience

Congratulations to our ICP students who were invited to participate in our dual-enrollment program. They were given the opportunity to take credit-bearing courses in the Fall of 2021.

As we were engaging in a hybrid environment through our 2021 Virtual Summer Institute, take a look at how our students were participating. Our Summer Institute kicked off Monday, July 5th, 2021.