Student Success

How can we help you?

CMEA provides a wide range of resources to support our students.
Resources for students are divided into the three categories below:

Academic Advising: During the academic year, you can schedule physical and virtual hours with our staff to discuss academic course plan, jobs, internships, and student programming to maximize your time at Georgetown.
Program Advising: If you need help planning a program for your student organization, contact CMEA to meet with a staff member who can help coordinate a program that meets your goals and needs.
Academic Seminar Series: During the academic year, CMEA collaborates with campus partners, key stakeholders, etc. to design workshops to supplement learning outside of the classroom space. Topics range from academic skills, life management, career readiness, and much more as determined by student feedback.
Write on Time: Led by the wonderful WRIT 1152 graduate teacher’s assistants in the spring semester, CMEA hosts drop in writing support hours for anyone looking for proofreading, thesis writing, resume and cover letter review, and other writing support needs for all matriculating students.
Undocumented Students: CMEA also provides confidential advising for undocumented students.

Book Loan Scholarship: Students with financial need can apply for a book loan scholarship, allowing them to use required books for the full semester and return them to the Book Co-Op Library.
Summer Housing Scholarship: CMEA offers a limited number of summer housing scholarships for students with high financial need who need to take summer courses.

Book Co-Op Library: The Book Co-Op opens the first day of classes each semester. Students may check books at the beginning of the semester and return it at the end of the semester, free of charge.

3,203Books in our Co-Op Library (as of Fall 2023)
16Summer Housing Recipients (2024)
165Book Loan Scholarship Recipients (2023-24 Academic Year)