- Summer Program: During the summer before their first year, Community Scholars have the opportunity to take two credit-bearing classes at Georgetown University, and interact with professors, advisors, and campus partners in order to become acclimated to the university.
- Classes: All Scholars will take two credit-bearing classes: Writing & Culture (WRIT 1152), an intensive critical reading and writing course taught by Georgetown faculty with graduate-student writing tutors; and a second Summer Session class, chosen by each student’s Academic Dean, that provides participants with an opportunity to get a head start on their credit hours before beginning their first semester. Courses may include Theology, Marketing, Government, Sociology and Math.
- Academic Benefits: Scholars receive priority registration for their fall semester, ensuring seats in desired classes. In addition, Scholars meet with Academic Deans, Financial Aid Counselors, and other service providers.
- Co-curricular Modules, Seminar Series and Group Activities: Each week, all Scholars will be required to attend modules and meetings facilitated by Georgetown faculty, staff, and teaching assistants. In addition, the program will host various mandatory group activities.
- Other Expenses: The program will cover tuition and books for all summer courses.
- Writing & Culture during the Fall semester: Scholars continue taking this core class (WRIT 1152), in most cases with the same professor, during the Fall semester for a total of six (6) credits.
- Fourth Hour Study Group Sessions: During the Fall semester the program organizes study group sessions for a few core courses such as Calculus and Chemistry. Former students who excelled in the course lead the sessions, providing an opportunity for Scholars to pose questions and enhance their study skills.
- First-Year & Second Support: All first-year Scholars receive academic and personal support through various mandatory programs, such as attending CMEA Academic Seminars, meeting with the Assistant Director of Academic Success and Advising Dean, various social programming, Thriving Sessions, and having access to CMEA services.
- Access to CMEA Resources: Throughout the remainder of a Scholar’s Georgetown career, ongoing academic and personal support includes one-on-one meetings with the CSP Staff; group tutoring and information sessions related to campus resources, majors, internships, study abroad, research opportunities and careers; cultural and social outings; and community service opportunities.
- CMEA Academic Seminar Series: During the academic year, CMEA collaborates with campus partners, key stakeholders, etc. to design workshops to supplement learning outside of the classroom space. Topics range from academic skills, life management, career readiness, and much more as determined by student feedback.
- CMEA Printing: In the first year, all Scholars have access to free printing in the department.
- CMEA Library: Scholars get access to CMEA’s Book Co-Op library, where they may check books at the beginning of the semester and return it at the end of the semester, free of charge.
- CMEA Book Loan Scholarship: Scholars demonstrating financial need may submit an application for a book loan scholarship. If approved, CMEA will purchase the book(s) on behalf of the student. The student will be able to use for the full semester, returning the book(s) to CMEA at the end of the semester as these books become a part of the Book Co-Op Library.
- CMEA Write On Time: Led by the wonderful WRIT 1152 graduate teacher’s assistants in the spring semester, CMEA hosts drop in writing support hours for anyone looking for proofreading, thesis writing, resume and cover letter review, and other writing support needs for all matriculating students.
- Community Scholars Loaner Program: Initially founded as the CSP Virtual Learning Scholarship program in the Fall 2020, the scholarship fund directly responded to the ongoing effects of COVID-19 to support learning continuity in the virtual & hybrid modalities in funding the technology needs of undergraduate, first generation college students active in the Community Scholars Program. In partnership with the Office of Student Financial Services Staff (OSFS), the bookstore, University Information Services (UIS), and a generous donation from Qualcomm Incorporated, CMEA purchased laptop devices (e.g., Macbook Air), WiFi hotspot devices, wireless headphones, webcams and/or other software necessary for learning continuity in the virtual & hybrid learning environment. By 2022, the scholarship program was transformed as the Community Scholars Loaner Program which has a set of laptop devices on hand for Scholars to request for use as well as triaging the purchasing of supplemental technology needs on a case by case basis.
- Scholarship: Scholars who have received a need-based financial aid package may be eligible for a $1,700 scholarship to compensate for lost summer wages, which will be applied directly to the student’s account. This scholarship will be awarded for three years, beginning during the Scholar’s first- year, as long as the student remains an active participant in the program, demonstrates financial need, and makes satisfactory progress toward graduation.
During the admissions process, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions nominates eligible applicants to be considered for the Community Scholars Program. A committee comprising representatives of CMEA, the Office of Student Financial Services, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, and the Georgetown College Dean’s Office reviews the applicants to determine which students will be admitted and offered a place in the program. The committee bases its decisions on the applicants’ academic and personal achievements and their commitment to the transformative power of education in the face of adversity.
- Five-week summer academic and campus life experience
- Note: we cover most costs associated with the program including books, tuition, etc.; we will cover most costs associated with this part of the program including transportation, meals, supplies, housing
- Three-credit summer session elective course
- Six-credit WRIT 1152 course (this course spans over summer and fall semesters)
- Priority registration for fall semester
- Introduction to Academic Deans, Financial Aid Counselors, and other campus administrators
- Experience all that Georgetown has to offer before all of the other first-year students
- Fourth Hour study group sessions in selected core courses
- Access to academic seminars and personal advising
- $1,700 annual scholarship for three years for those who are eligible for federal financial aid
SUMMER 2025- Important Dates:

- Invitation Acceptance: Thursday, May 1, 2025
- Program Dates: Wednesday, July 2, 2025 – Saturday, August 9, 2025
- If you have any questions, please email