Student Advising

Drop-In Hours
Thinking about jobs, internships, or how to maximize your time at Georgetown? During the academic year you can schedule physical and virtual hours with our staff.
Please email for more information.

Program Advising
If you need help planning a program for your student organization, such as a leadership retreat, reunion, social event, or any other sort of program, contact CMEA to set up a time to meet with one of our staff members who can advise you to coordinate a program that meets your goals and needs.
Please email for more information.

Academic Seminar Series
During the academic year, CMEA collaborates with campus partners, key stakeholders, etc. to design workshops to supplement learning outside of the classroom space. Topics range from academic skills, life management, career readiness, and much more as determined by student feedback.
Please email for more information.

Write on Time
Led by the wonderful WRIT 1152 graduate teacher’s assistants in the spring semester, CMEA hosts drop in writing support hours for anyone looking for proofreading, thesis writing, resume and cover letter review, and other writing support needs for all matriculating students.
Please email for more information.

Undocumented Student Services
As a Catholic and Jesuit institution, Georgetown University values the dignity of all members of the university community, regardless of immigration status. Click here to find out more about the resources available to undocumented students.