Code of Student Conduct

As a Catholic and Jesuit University, Georgetown University stands for human dignity and worth of every person. Therefore, we believe in values that foster the human respect needed for people to live, work, study, and recreate together as a community. Rules and regulations provide the basis for a reasonably ordered and civil environment The following regulations and prohibitions are necessary to protect the common good. Their violations may result in termination from the program and/or the loss of potential stipend and capstone activities. The Georgetown University ICP Code is aligned with Georgetown University Honor Code. These rules are in effect on Georgetown University campus, parking, areas, properties, at any ICP function or ICP sponsored activity, and while the student are waiting for, riding, or leaving the shuttle. 

You may access the Georgetown University student and academic conduct policies through the following links:

Honor Code at

Georgetown University Code of Student Conduct at

Student Affairs Policies


Protection of Minors

Georgetown University wants to ensure the safety of those that reside within its community. This concern extends to those who are potentially vulnerable including minor children who might require special attention and protection. The aim of this policy is to establish guidelines for those in the University community who might interact/work with individuals under 18 years of age so that safety and well-being are maintained at all times. Visit this link to view the full policy:

Mandated Reporting

Mandated Reporters and Their Legal Obligations

District of Columbia Law designates individuals in certain occupations and professions as mandated reporters. Mandated reporters must report known or suspected mental or physical abuse or neglect of a child known to them in their professional or official capacity to either the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) at 911 or the Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). The CFSA hotline, at (202) 671.7233 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. DC law states that mandated reporters must complete the Mandated Reporter Training offered by the CFSA, available at



Classroom Behavior

  • Being a good student means you show respect yourself, your classmates, and your teachers as well as program administrators.
  • Be on time and ready to work. If you are late, enter the classroom quickly and quietly.
  • Remove your coats and hats prior to entering; store backpacks underneath the desk.
  • You must be ready to work. This means that you must have a notebook, pens, and pencils out and ready on desk.
  • Raise your hand and be acknowledged before you speak. Wait to be recognized by the teacher before answering a question.
  • Remain in your seat until the class period has ended unless other instructions are given.
  • Restroom privileges are limited to break between classes. If you absolutely need to use the restroom, then you must raise your hand to get permission from the teacher to exit the classroom.
  • No sleeping or slouching will be tolerated. Sit upright in your seat.
  • Pay close attention to the lesson being taught and work independently on all assignments unless you are instructed otherwise.
  • Bring homework on the due date.
  • Make-up all missed classroom and homework assignments. Arrangements for make-ups are the responsibility of the student.

Lateness & Unexcused Absence

A major part of college preparation is accepting responsibility for one’s actions. Timeliness and respect for deadlines are critical to student success. Students and their families are responsible for developing plans to arrive at our program prepared and on time. Parents and guardians are responsible for notifying program coordinators of an excused lateness and absence the day it occurs. Program staff will use the contact information on file to notify families of unexcused lateness and absence.

  • 1st lateness – student receives verbal warning from program coordinator
  • 2nd lateness/absence – program coordinator or aide calls parent or guardian
  • 3rd lateness/absence – associate director holds in-person conference with parent or guardian before student returns to program; Student Youth Employment Program (SYEP) eligibility may be discontinued
  • 4th lateness or more – student’s education award is reduced; participation in capstone activities may be denied

Exceptions: major transit disruptions as determined by ICP (not general delays or construction), natural disaster, documented illness, and death in the family


  • Refrain from all forms of disruptive behavior including, but not limited to talking when you have not been recognized by the teacher, pencil tapping, note passing, etc.
  • Refrain from the use of abusive and vulgar language.
  • Do not deface or destroy desks, walls or program equipment.
  • Respect your property as well as that of the university.
  • Refrain from dishonest behavior, which includes stealing, cheating, plagiarism, threatening a student, teacher, program assistant, or program administrator.
  • Refrain from all gum chewing, eating and drinking during classroom instructions.

Non-Classroom Behavior

Maintain safe behavior and obey posted signs in other utilized program space such as GUTS Shuttle, Yates Field House, Leo O’Donnovan Dinning Hall, etc.

Dress Code and Personal Electronics and Equipment

Students are expected to take pride in their appearance.

  • Students are expected to dress appropriately and in good taste. Attire must not detract from learning
  • No hats are to be worn inside any building.
  • Cell phones and other electronic devices ARE NOT allowed during the operation of the program and especially during class. Cell phones must be turned off during class time! MICP HAS A 3-STRIKE RULE REGARDING THE USE OF CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING CLASS INSTRUCTION: 1st Offense: student will be warned to put away the device; 2nd Offense: the device will be confiscated for the day; 3rd Offense: the device will be confiscated and can only be retrieved by a parent/guardian after setting up a meeting with an MICP Program Coordinator.Cell phone use is for emergencies only! Cell phones should only be used outside of class and outside of program time, e.g. during breaks between individual classes.

iPods, PSPs, CD/MP3 players, computer games, and toys should be left at home.

ICP Dress Code

Students are expected to enjoy and help foster a comfortable learning environment free of distractions. While we recognize that students like to be fashionable, ICP is an educational program and its classrooms are learning environments with the primary goal of helping prepare students for post-secondary education and the working environment. To achieve this goal, ICP has instituted the following dress code policy: 

What to wear: 

  • Sensible soes such as sneakers, casual shoes, and sandals for traveling across campus
  • Well-fitting tops, pants, jeans, shorts, and skirts
  • Non-revealing clothing that fully covers the back, shoulders, mid-section, chest, and bottom
  • Profesional and/or business attire for special occasions

What not to wear: 

  • Low-rise jeans, shorts, or pants that are too tight or too lose
  • Offensive logos or symbols depicting alcohol, cigarette ads, profanity, or drug paraphernalia 
  • Mini-skirtst or shorts–specifically shirts and shorts should be fingertip length and should be long enough to cover the body even when seated.
  • Crop tops, halter tops, strapless shirts, see-through/sheer clothing, or muscle shirts
  • Slippers, untied footwear, or bare feet
  • Pajama tops and bottoms or other itmes considered to be sleepwear
  • No hats, hoods, or sunglasses worn indoors

ICP staff reserves the right to add to this dress code policy as necessary


Including, but not limited to any combination of the following:

  • Opportunity to self-correct
  • Verbal warning to student
  • Document in case file via an Incident Report (IR)
  • Phone parent or guardian
  • Bar from participation in activity or privilege
  • Student sent home
  • Suspension from Saturday Academy and/or Summer Institute
  • Dismissal from Saturday Academy  and/or Summer Institute


Those students who use the Georgetown University Shuttle from Metro stops or from Ronald H. Brown Middle School must adhere to rules of the Georgetown University Transportation Service. Failure to do so will result in not being able to ride the GUTS bus.

Summer Shuttle Passes: The student is responsible for abiding by all rules of the Georgetown University Transportation Shuttle (GUTS) and by the Georgetown University Code of Student Conduct. This shuttle service is a privilege extended to active participants in our program. The University, Office of Transportation Management, and the Institute for College Preparation reserve the right to revoke the privilege.

Many members of the University community use this service. Program participants should give themselves adequate time to reach campus and the program site on time. 

Shuttle Conduct:

  • The shuttle driver has full authority at all times. Student are not to question the driver’s authority.
    All Georgetown Shuttle riders are required to follow the directions of the driver and shuttle attendant to ensure safety.
  • All passengers are requred to sit properly (i.e. two to a seat, facing forward, and remaining seated throughout the trip while the shuttle is in motion).
  • Loud voices or shouting is prohibited. Studetns are allowed to talk, but must keep their voices down out of respect for others.
  • When permitted by an ICP staff member, students may listen to music using headphones.
    However, the volume must be kept at a reasonable volume so as to not disturb others. 
  • Only water is allowed on the motor coach, as other beverages may stain the seats and/or floor.
  • Eating on the bus is prohibited.
  • Students must obtain permission to open window. Care must be exercised when opening and closing windows.
    Do not slam or force them shut. Students and their parents/guardians will be financially responsible for any damage to the motor coach.
    Students are expected to keep heads and hands inside the bus at all times. 
  • Thowing objects on the bus or out of the windows of the bus is prohibited.

Information for Parents

  • Parents, guardians and school personnel can visit classes with the permission of the Executive Director or other appropriate program administrator.
  • Parents/guardians should provide written documentation to the appropriate ICP administrator regarding an anticipated absence. During the Summer Institute, students should provide a written note from parent/guardian to the respective program coordinator regarding an anticipated absence; this note should be provided at least three days prior to the class absence. In the fall and spring semesters, students should provide a written note of absence for the Saturday Academy at least one week before the anticipated absence.

Grounds for Termination and/or Loss of Scholarship

As a Catholic and Jesuit University, Georgetown University stands for human dignity and worth of every person. Therefore, we believe in values that foster the human respect needed for people to live, work, study, and recreate together as a community. Rules and regulations provide the basis for a reasonably ordered and civil environment. The following regulations and prohibitions are necessary to protect the common good. Their violation may result in termination from the program and/or the loss of potential scholarships. The GU ICP code is aligned with Georgetown University Honor Code.

You may access the student and academic conduct policies through the following links:

Categories of Violations

This following violations may result in a Sanctions up to Termination/Expulsion from the program. Each incident will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • Academic Integrity Violations: Plagiarism, copying, offering, and/or receiving unauthorized assistance or information in examinations, tests, quizzes, in the writing of reports, assigned papers, or special assignments are examples of violations. Statements of untruth, spoken or written, regarding circumstances relative to academic work or any action that destroys/alters the work of another student are also considered academic integrity violations.
  • Classroom Behavior: The instructor has the ultimate control over classroom behavior and can dismiss any student engaged in disruptive behavior. In consultation with program staff the student will be handed over to another program staff. In the event such action is necessary, the instructor should immediately report the incident to the ICP Staff. This may result in a
  • Absenteeism/Tardiness: Absences are NOT allowed unless there is an emergency situation or prior approval in writing for legal guardian/parent. Lateness to class is not accepted. Following three unexcused tardies, a penalty will be imposed.
  • Disorderly and Irresponsible Conduct: Disruption of operations of the University (classes, programs, services, etc.), harassment of an individual or group, using abusive, obscene, vulgar, loud, or disruptive language, and sexual harassment constitutes disorderly conduct.
  • Apartment/Residence Hall Violations: Excessive noise of any kind, unauthorized guests, theft, pets, vandalism, failure to follow the directions or intentional disrespect of a Resident Advisor (RA) represents a violation.. (This applies to summer residential students only).
  • Vandalism: Maliciously destroying, damaging or misusing public or private properties, and littering (i.e. throwing, dumping or depositing trash in areas other than designated containers) are examples of vandalism. If damages or vandalism occurs in the classrooms or residential halls during the summer program for rising seniors, then the students will be given a written notification that they have 24 hours for someone to either assume responsibility, or to be turned in to the ICP office. If a student does not claim responsibility for the incident or provides an adequate explanation for the vandalism after 24 hours, all students will be held responsible and punished.
  • Weapons: Possession of weapons including, but not limited to firearms of any kind, knives, devices used for the practice of martial arts, and ammunition is strictly prohibited.
  • Drugs/Alcohol: Students are expected to comply with all state, local and federal laws regarding drugs and alcohol. The purchase, possession, consumption (being under the influence), distribution, and transportation of drugs or alcohol are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the possession of drug paraphernalia, such as bongs, pipes, masks, spoons, blunts, and other instruments intended for the use of drugs.