The Black House

Mission & Vision

To assess and meet the needs of students of color by implementing programs, events, and dialogue in a community-centered space. Fostering community for students of color.


Over fifty years ago, a small group of Black Students (BSA) staged a protest in front of the University president’s office with three demands. First, they wanted to increase the percentage of minority students that were accepted into Georgetown. Secondly, they wanted the university to invest in creating a support system that monitored and tracked minorities that did enroll at the university. Finally, they urged the university to provide a space where Black students could congregate to socialize or talk about pertinent issues of the day. That space became the “Black House.”

Today, the Black House remains one of the few dedicated places on campus where all students of color can gather to talk about issues, and meet one another.

Black House residents are encouraged to design programs to promote, foster and acknowledge diversity and community on campus. Examples of programs include weekly Hour Glass discussions on topics relevant to the community, a voter registration program, a panel on the impact on the Latino Vote, a workshop on developing a self-brand, and a dance workshop partnering with Groove Theory to name a few.

2024-2025 Residents

Black House residential opportunities, events, and activities are open to all Georgetown University students regardless of race, national origin, or any other characteristic protected under University policy. Multicultural student organizations are encouraged to utilize the house for club meetings and for social events. To reserve the house, please use the Black House Request Form. Sign up for our weekly newsletter!

Forms and Sign-Ups