Our Mission, Vision, and Values



The Center for Multicultural Equity and Access (CMEA) enhances the education of students who have historically experienced barriers to access and success in higher education. The vast social and economic inequalities disrupted a sense of justice as “we walk with the excluded” towards a “hope-filled future.” We actively promote access to educational attainment for diverse populations through intentional and culturally relevant programming, services, and opportunities. 

We actively promote unfettered access towards educational attainment and social prosperity for our diverse populations.  At Georgetown, our learning communities thrive as a result of our commitments to equity, inclusion, social justice, and civic engagement. We stand committed to nurturing all aspects of students’ development while engaging in difficult and challenging conversations and in thoughtful and intentional ways. In keeping with our Jesuit identity, we challenge the university to fulfill its commitment to care for the whole person and prioritize justice for the common good.


Here at Georgetown, our worked is geared towards supporting our center as an academic extension of our students’ lives. One of the central tenets that is not only the vision of the University itself but ours is Cura Personalis, meaning “Care for the Whole Person.”


All programs and activities are open to all Georgetown University students regardless of race, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or any other characteristic protected under University policy  or applicable law.

CMEA enhances Georgetown’s commitment to the Jesuit principles. Inclusivity and diversity are core to supporting a community of people on our campus.

Read more about Georgetown’s commitment to Community and Diversity here